Efforts to establish a Perioperative Programme in Usmanu Danfodiyo university teaching hospital (UDUTH) sokoto, was solely an idea of Perioperative Nurses in the hospital. The Perioperative Nurses that were trained from different institutions across the country observed that the hospital has all it takes to run successful Perioperarive Nursing programme, if one consider the different specialty available in the hospital.This move was first introduced to the management of the hospital during the era of Professor BB Shehu who was a Neuro surgeon, through then the CMAC Dr I.A Mungadi (now Professor of Urology) who at his insistence invited then the national executive of national association of Perioperative Nurses of Nigeria (NAPON) under the chairmanship of Mr. Sunday Ekpen when they come to Sokoto for the NAPON NAC/NEC meeting in 2008.Following the ascendency of Dr. Ahmad Yakubu, a Gynaecologist to the position of CMD and with his keen interest in making obstetrics theatre to function 24/7, Dr Yakubu Ahmad then CMAC suggested for training (in-house) of Nurses working in labour room with the basic skills of assisting the Perioperative Nurses to achieve this feat. The proposal was accepted by Perioperative Nurses and to further advance the proposal, Yakubu Bello Ka’oje (CNO) was asked to draft a short and brief curriculum guide for the in-house training.In the year 2013, where a high powered committee from the main theatre was initiated and saddled with the responsibility of seeing the CMD with a written proposal for the purpose of establishing the school. This singular act became the game changer because with immediate effect, the CMD constituted a subcommittee for the establishment of post-basic perioperative nursing. In 2016, the team visited post basic perioperative nursing in the university of Maiduguri teaching hospital to learn from them the challenges of establishing a post basic perioperative nursing programme.The coming on board of Dr Anas Sabir as the CMD, a remarkable progress was achieved within the shortest possible time. Dr Ana was well focused on his commitment to the establishment of the school. The challenge of structure was tackled head on and most of the required facilities for the training were provided. Indeed, the CMD challenge the Perioperative nurses, to reciprocate this gesture by doing the needful. Today, the post basic Perioperative Nursing programme UDUTH Sokoto has come to say.
To be one of the most reliable institutions in Nigeria and West African sub-region at large, where quality perioperative Nurses are produced to manned both primary, secondary